DISCOVERING ME – Energy Management for Children, Teenagers and Adults. Sessions - Investment €50/100 -up to 60 mins.  Please contact for booking. 

This new and pioneering modality offers energetic and creative guidelines along with exercises to assist children, teenagers and adults with various emotional challenges that may be preventing them from living a natural and fulfilled life. Free to be themselves without the constraints of fear holding them back. 

Children today feel challenged in many ways, physically, emotionally, mentally and sometimes spiritually. Discovering Me offers a unique way to assist children to underrate who they are and how to manage their ‘energy’, ways to cope with life and how to ‘self heal’. 

Using practical and dynamic exercises participants are guided to understand their energy, how to align and work with it to improve their emotional wellbeing and enable them to feel ‘in control’.
The practices can be spread over a number of sessions, depending what speed a child/teenager/adult needs to go and how he/she is progressing.